The first international pharmacy initiative committed to raising awareness and addressing loneliness and social isolation to improve the health of patients and society

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Jenny Kirschner


Jenny Kirschner has over 20 years of experience in the healthcare and pharmacy sector. She has worked as a clinical and retail pharmacist, a health coach for lifestyle modification programs and as a National Health Services Pharmacist delivering impactful and innovative health programs.

Driven by her knowledge of the psychological and physical health effects of loneliness, Jenny is focused on educating the pharmacy industry. 

She has been published in the Australian Journal of Pharmacy (AJP) and has presented to Monash University’s Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences on loneliness. Jenny has also delivered corporate workplace education on loneliness to one of Australia’s largest pharmacy brands.

Jenny is an advisory group member for Connecting Communities to Care, a
4-year social prescribing pilot aimed at reducing social isolation in older people in Melbourne. This is a collaboration between Bolton Clarke Research Institute, Alfred Health and South East Melbourne Primary Health Network (SEMPHN).

Jenny is also the Australian ambassador for the International Social Prescribing Pharmacy Association (ISPPA).


Pharmacy View


Pharmacy Daily


Federation of Interantional Pharmacists

FIP World Congress


Standford Social Innovation Review


GILC Spotlight


Relationships Australia

guest blog

International Social Prescribing Pharmacy Association

Australian Ambassador

Pharmaceutical Society of Australia

exhibitor – coming soon

It’s time to prioritise our friendships like our life depends on it
– because it does!

Julianne Holt-Lunstad

Latest articles by Jenny Kirschner



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“Through her connection to Monash’s Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (Jenny) is conducting presentations to staff and pharmacy students to help them improve their own health literacy in the science of loneliness.

Her longer-term goal is for an in-depth understanding of the health effects associated with loneliness and social isolation, and how to address them, to become an intrinsic part of pharmacy practice across Australia.”

– Monash University Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

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pharmacy training program

PALS Foundations Pharmacy Professional Service Program

An innovative and one of its kind community pharmacy program that addresses loneliness.

  1. Upskill pharmacists to understand the health impacts of loneliness
  2. Support implementation of screening services that improve early recognition of loneliness
  3. Utilise social support to reduce loneliness and enhance the quality use of medications
  4. Build community awareness to reduce the stigma of loneliness
  5. Empower the use of Social Prescribing principals

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